Bethel University: Task Force Trips

Bethel University and World Partners

Bethel University's Global Engagement Office will be working with World Partners to help facilitate fund raising for Bethel Task Force trips.  World Partners has been sending disciple makers to over 110 countries and impacting their villages, neighborhoods, schools and workplaces for Christ since 1883.

You can support a team or team member below.  Your tax deductible receipts for donations will be sent by World Partners.

Thank you for your support!

The Alaska Task Force:

Bethel has been sending teams to Noatak, Alaska since the early 1990s. Noatak is a small village located 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Support for this trip will help cover travel expenses, food and lodging, and supplies needed to operate a vacation Bible school and youth events during the team’s time there.  

Donate to the Alaska Task  Force trip:


Reach out to Jen Stuff at World Partners or contact Jeremy Tice at Bethel University.
We're happy to answer any questions!