PrayLink October 3, 2023

PRAYLINK October 3, 2023
Join THEO and BRI MAKOMBE as they share about their ministry in Rwanda at Harvest Fellowship in Iowa on Sunday, October 8.
Join JAMES and JENNY WOLHETER as they share about their ministry in Bolivia at LaGrange Missionary Church in LaGrange, Indiana, on Sunday, October 8.
SIERRA LEONE: Pray today for travel safety for JANET NICKEL as she returns to Sierra Leone from the United States as her Home Ministry Assignment has concluded.
CENTRAL ASIA: Pray for travel safety for a STAFF MEMBER as he leaves the United States for Central Asia tomorrow to lead a training. The staff member states, “Pray that the training will be used by God and lead to transformation, opportunities for outreach, new believers, new churches, and provision for church planters’ families." The staff member will be in Asia from October 4-16.
EUROPE: A STAFF COUPLE will continue to host board game night this Friday. Pray that the couple’s relationships with those attending would deepen.
UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he continues to lead the “Returning to Joy” class for thirty-four Bethel University students. Continue to pray for DEBBIE JONES’ health as she cannot hardly stand or walk without pain returning due to her sciatica issues. She is scheduled to receive an epidural injection on October 10.
EUROPE: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as he begins preaching a five week sermon series this Sunday. He’s been asked to speak on the topic of following Jesus. Pray also for the STAFF COUPLE and their family as they prepare to move to a different apartment in the same city.
SERBIA: Pray for ZOLTAN and TANJA VEGEL as they are in the United States from October 12-November 3.
GUINEA: BRUCE and DAWN CLUCKIE request prayer for Pastor Paul and his wife, Gbe. Pray that he would maintain a life of integrity and faithfulness. Dawn states, “Pastor Paul broke his upper leg a while ago and it never fully healed, but we praise God that earlier this year he was able to travel to the distant mission hospital, where he had it re-set. He has now fully healed! Thanks to those who contributed to his treatment through the UY27 medical benevolence fund.” Pray also for the children who are returning to school as the Guinea public schools begin their scholastic year this week. Dawn states, “Many children don’t attend school because their families cannot afford the start-up costs of about $10 per child. Pray that the Christians will see God meeting this need. We thank those of you who have contributed to the costs of many children attending school through our secular education project. Pray that God would place strong Christians into teaching and administrative positions throughout the school system. Pray that the children will actually learn well.”
BOLIVIA: ABAD, MIGUEL ARIAS, NAT BROWN, and JAMES WOLHETER as they prepare to lead an Evento Keystone discipleship training in Riberalta, Bolivia, from November 3-12. This team will be in traveling to Bolivia on October 25. This will be intensive training with a group of people training to be missionaries in the Latin world and Africa.
SPAIN: Continue to pray that a solution would be found for REBECCA BUMPUS’ sciatica pain. She is currently in the United States on Home Ministry Assignment.
Register today for Online Session #2, “The DNA of the Church,” led by DAVID DE LA ROSA, taking place this Thursday, October 5, at 7:30 p.m. Click here to register and you will receive the Zoom information for the session. If you have already registered, you will receive the Zoom link via email and WhatsAppp.
World Partners is hiring a Mission Engagement Coordinator to work in our Fort Wayne, Indiana, office. If interested, go to for more information.
Join THEO and BRI MAKOMBE as they share about their ministry in Rwanda at Harvest Fellowship in Iowa on Sunday, October 8.
Join JAMES and JENNY WOLHETER as they share about their ministry in Bolivia at LaGrange Missionary Church in LaGrange, Indiana, on Sunday, October 8.
SIERRA LEONE: Pray today for travel safety for JANET NICKEL as she returns to Sierra Leone from the United States as her Home Ministry Assignment has concluded.
CENTRAL ASIA: Pray for travel safety for a STAFF MEMBER as he leaves the United States for Central Asia tomorrow to lead a training. The staff member states, “Pray that the training will be used by God and lead to transformation, opportunities for outreach, new believers, new churches, and provision for church planters’ families." The staff member will be in Asia from October 4-16.
EUROPE: A STAFF COUPLE will continue to host board game night this Friday. Pray that the couple’s relationships with those attending would deepen.
UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he continues to lead the “Returning to Joy” class for thirty-four Bethel University students. Continue to pray for DEBBIE JONES’ health as she cannot hardly stand or walk without pain returning due to her sciatica issues. She is scheduled to receive an epidural injection on October 10.
EUROPE: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as he begins preaching a five week sermon series this Sunday. He’s been asked to speak on the topic of following Jesus. Pray also for the STAFF COUPLE and their family as they prepare to move to a different apartment in the same city.
SERBIA: Pray for ZOLTAN and TANJA VEGEL as they are in the United States from October 12-November 3.
GUINEA: BRUCE and DAWN CLUCKIE request prayer for Pastor Paul and his wife, Gbe. Pray that he would maintain a life of integrity and faithfulness. Dawn states, “Pastor Paul broke his upper leg a while ago and it never fully healed, but we praise God that earlier this year he was able to travel to the distant mission hospital, where he had it re-set. He has now fully healed! Thanks to those who contributed to his treatment through the UY27 medical benevolence fund.” Pray also for the children who are returning to school as the Guinea public schools begin their scholastic year this week. Dawn states, “Many children don’t attend school because their families cannot afford the start-up costs of about $10 per child. Pray that the Christians will see God meeting this need. We thank those of you who have contributed to the costs of many children attending school through our secular education project. Pray that God would place strong Christians into teaching and administrative positions throughout the school system. Pray that the children will actually learn well.”
BOLIVIA: ABAD, MIGUEL ARIAS, NAT BROWN, and JAMES WOLHETER as they prepare to lead an Evento Keystone discipleship training in Riberalta, Bolivia, from November 3-12. This team will be in traveling to Bolivia on October 25. This will be intensive training with a group of people training to be missionaries in the Latin world and Africa.
SPAIN: Continue to pray that a solution would be found for REBECCA BUMPUS’ sciatica pain. She is currently in the United States on Home Ministry Assignment.
Register today for Online Session #2, “The DNA of the Church,” led by DAVID DE LA ROSA, taking place this Thursday, October 5, at 7:30 p.m. Click here to register and you will receive the Zoom information for the session. If you have already registered, you will receive the Zoom link via email and WhatsAppp.
World Partners is hiring a Mission Engagement Coordinator to work in our Fort Wayne, Indiana, office. If interested, go to for more information.
Posted in PrayLink
Posted in Sierra Leone, Central Asia, United States, Guinea, Europe, Serbia, Bolivia, Spain
Posted in Sierra Leone, Central Asia, United States, Guinea, Europe, Serbia, Bolivia, Spain
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