PrayLink 4•23•2024

PrayLink for April 23, 2024

Hawaii: Praise God how He is showing His kindness in helping me to become more like Him! He continues to place people around me that inspire me to be both more gracious and more bold in ministry and relationships.

Bolivia: James & Jenny Wolheter. Please continue to pray as we get the house unpacked and adjust to life here in Bolivia again. Pray as I reconnect personally with disciples and look forward to more opportunities in the coming weeks!

Rwanda: Theo & Bri Makombe. Pray for healing and unity in Rwanda during the time of Kwibuka 30, which is the remembrance of the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994.

USA: Canny, Bryan & Molly. Please pray for our clear communication with the Bolivia field ministry leaders. That I will provide vision and clarity for the longevity of our ministry.

USA: Praise God that the phrase "be strong and courageous" keeps coming back to my mind. It reminds me to persist and finish well, and have faith in God for what's next!

Israel: Pray for open hearts for the thousands who have viewed our testimony. And continue to pray for our safety as the war continues.

Latvia: Rick & Madara Dugan. I’m incredibly grateful for the World Partners’ Leadership Team who met here in Latvia last week. It was nice to have them get on a plane to visit us. :-) This team understands leadership as Christ-centered, relational servanthood. And we spoke into each others lives in ways that I believe make World Partners a healthier organization for our staff and ministry partners.

Taiwan: Continue praying for Hualien and the surrounding area. They are still experiencing earth quakes ranging from 3+ to 6.3 in magnitude. Please pray for safety and calm hearts for the people there.

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by faith, not by sight.

Pray for the World Partners staff as many travel in this new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.
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