PrayLink 5•14•2024

PrayLink for May 14, 2024

USA: Carlos & Ruth Medina. Pray for clarity concerning two different Latinos currently discerning their call to full-time missionary work.

Serbia: Zoltan & Tanja Vegel. We praise God for continued provision and are thankful for all of you, our supporters and prayer warriors!

Russia: A sister in Christ was encouraged in how God helped her to find a new church. He then blessed her with an opportunity to open her heart to someone else who was new and searching. The Lord is developing caring and leadership skills in her. Will you ask the Lord to bless her with insight and a will to keep on reaching out to others, to share what she knows, and to be a blessing to many?

Guinea: Bruce & Dawn Cluckie. Bruce and the Recording Team were able to complete three podcasts about Genesis 1-3 that are ready to be aired on the radio. Please pray for our future planning and recording of these sessions. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts – giving clarity and insight. And pray for us to speak clearly as we explain the gospel.

Bulgaria: I'm thankful that Jesus has been teaching me to stop, rest, breath and care for myself with good diet and exercise — even in times of chaos. Normally, all of these things would be the exact opposite of what I'd do, but I'm finding that doing these things has helped me to be more effective with work that needs done.

Uruguay: Tim & Susana Gretschmann. God has been showing us the importance of prayer and reaching people while we have the opportunity. Pray that the people we interact with will understand the Gospel and give their lives to Christ.

Exodus 33:14
"The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

Pray for the World Partners staff as many travel in this new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.

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