PrayLink 6•4•2024

PrayLink for June 4, 2024

Zambia: Benson Chembe. Zambia is experiencing severe drought since last year. The drought is impacting corn and energy supplies and raising prices for both. Prayers are requested for the following:
  1. Pray that God grants us wisdom how we can live during this trying season. 
  2. Pray for faith to fully depend on Him and draw needed lessons this time.
  3. Pray they continue doing ministry works: disciple making and evangelism without giving up.

Cuba: Pray for Rick Dugan and President Rodney Arnold on their upcoming trip to Cuba, that they would be able to mutually serve and receive from the Missionary Church related disciple-makers seeking to be faithful there.

Rwanda: Makombe Family. Pray for deep abiding and rich encouragement coming from the Holy Spirit on Theo and Bri. Ask the Lord to increase their joy in the challenges they face to be faithfully bear witness among Rwandans in need.

Serbia: Pray for the Lord to pave the way for a possible BUX-Serbia location. This faith venture is far from certain, but the Lord seems to be opening some doors for exploration. Pray for wisdom and the mind of Christ for our staff members as they test these waters.

USA/Peru: Joshua Saune. We are returning to Peru on June 4th and hope to hold leadership training sessions. We will also be returning the remains of my brothers to our hometown. Romulo & Ruben were killed by the Shinning Path terrorists back in 1992. We would appreciate prayers for the memorial in July for my brothers, for safe travel, and for the training sessions we are planning.

USA: Please continue praying for the 15 new missionary units we sense the Lord wanting to add to World Partners. We seek 12 more and have several quality candidates in our pipeline. Ask the Lord to send more people from more of our MCUSA churches.

Psalm 31:24
"Be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD!”

Pray for the World Partners staff as many travel in this new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the World Partners staff who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.
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