New Zealand. Praise God for intentional disciple-making in New Zealand. Pray for new World Partners staff, Matt & Angie Swank, as they share the gospel and seek to nurture, plant, and reproduce microchurches in local communities.
France. Pray for the ongoing witness and continued healing of a staff member. Also, pray for the building of relationships with neighbors and medical staff.
South Asia. Praise God for new disciples and recent baptisms in Laos, Myanmar, and in other cities this past month!
USA. Pray for Jeremy & Mindie Tice as they invest into the lives of future disciple-makers at Bethel University. And praise God for students who are stepping out in faith as they hear Jesus say, "Come, join me in what I am doing in the world."
Spain. Pray for a staff member who undergoing surgery this week to remove a cancerous tumor from his ear. Pray for the medical team and ask the Lord to comfort everyone involved in the procedure.
USA. Pray for World Partners Director of Strategic Partnerships, Joe Johns, as he engages with others at the PacRim Conference. Pray that the Lord will orchestrate connections with those who may be called to global missions.
Isaiah 41:13 "I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'"
Pray for the World Partners staff and their families as many travel for ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. Pray for encouragement and strength against the forces of this world. And also, for safety and peace for the World Partners staff who are in countries with volatile situations.
Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.
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