PrayLink 2•27•2024

PrayLink for February 27, 2024

Spain: David & Esther de la Rosa would like prayer for the group of young people who will come for about seven weeks for a cross-cultural experience this summer. May the Lord put a missionary heart and passion for the unreached in them, may they make at least one disciple and may God call someone to go out to the unreached.

Guinea: Bruce & Dawn Cluckie would like prayer for wisdom as we plan for some of the events coming up.

Egypt: A staff member would like prayer for Egypt and for its continued role in the region. We also want to pray Jesus' miracle working power over others and see them healed and defended against spiritual attacks.

Germany: Edward & Hia Kim would like prayer for further disciple-maker training among Ukrainian pastors and leaders in 2024.

Ecuador: Ana Cristina Bastidas would like prayer for their family as they move to a house mid-march. And for healing and recovery from knee surgery and that the costs will be covered by insurance.

Spain: A staff member would like prayer as they practice meditating on verses relating to being still and knowing HE is GOD. "He is my shepherd, His yoke is easy, and he gives me rest and restores my soul."

Uruguay: Tim & Susana Gretschmann would like prayer for contacts and that they will understand what the Gospel is and give their lives to Christ.

Taiwan: A staff member praises God and that He has been so good! We are thankful for our church and the community around us. As we reflect upon the last year it is always encouraging to see our kids relationship with the Lord grow and become more their own faith. We are thankful for so many people who have and will impact our kids!

Pray for the World Partners staff as many travel in this new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.

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