Posts with the category “praylink”

PrayLink 10•16•2024
by Darrel Groves on October 16th, 2024
South Asia Network Discipleship Gathering: Pray for all attending this November meeting that they receive the required visas in time.USA: Pray for Joe Johns this week as he serves key World Partners people and prospective partners in Mexico and Costa Rica.Bolivia: Pray for Rick Dugan and Bryan Canny as they travel to Bolivia this week to serve, encourage, and strengthen the Wolheter family and the...  Read More
PrayLink 9•10•2024
by Darrel Groves on September 10th, 2024
Be praying for prospective missionaries who are investigating opportunities with World Partners in Japan, Maldives, and China.Pakistan. Pray for an affiliate partner who will be in Pakistan for the next two weeks, encouraging and equipping disciple-makers there.Zambia. Praise for a group of 3rd and 4th generation disciples in northern Zambia who have established a new church as a result of the dis...  Read More
PrayLink 9•4•2024
by Darrel Groves on September 4th, 2024
Spain: David & Esther de la Rosa. God is not standing still! He is moving. His mission is advancing and His purpose is being fulfilled. Many people – even the most vile and least desirable – are responding to the call and are being used by Him! There is hope for the unreached.Thailand. Pray for us as we travel to Southeast Asia this month to encourage and train discipling leaders in our networks.H...  Read More
PrayLink 8•28•2024
by Darrel Groves on August 28th, 2024
USA: Bill & Debbie Jones. Praise the Lord that we are able today to assist a disciple, whom we led to the Lord in 1970, with the evangelism and discipleship training that he is presently doing to train others in reaching Hindus here in the USA.Argentina: Nathan & Christina Duran. We arrived home safely and are ready to get back into the "swing of things." Marco and Mili are at the same school this...  Read More
PrayLink 8•20•2024
by Darrel Groves on August 20th, 2024
Guatemala: Alex Clem. I made it to Guatemala and have begun my ministry! I arrived last week without any issues, praise the Lord. Pray for Pastor Pablo and myself as we work to serve the community together. Thank you for all of your prayers! There is power in prayer!USA: Praise God the language and learning camps at church went so well that they've asked me to make it an ongoing ministry at the c...  Read More
PrayLink 8•13•2024
by Darrel Groves on August 14th, 2024
Bulgaria: We are so thankful for our American intern spending time with us in Bulgaria. We pray that it was a transformative experience for her. Pray with us that she and others will see the big picture of the world and help prepare the next generation of cross-cultural workers. USA: Stephen & Gayle Burgstahler. We have received our shipment of goods from overseas and are excited to now move to Mi...  Read More
PrayLink August 7, 2024
by Darrel Groves on August 8th, 2024
Guinea: Bruce & Dawn Cluckie. We are glad to tell you that three of the four wells that were being dug this year are completely finished! We are also tutoring two girls that have started on the Following Jesus course. Pray these girls are able to come to a clear understanding of what it means to follow Jesus and to take the step to follow Him.Uruguay: Job & Lorena Grain. We praise God for allowing...  Read More
PrayLink 7•30•2024
by Darrel Groves on July 31st, 2024
Bulgaria. Please pray for our time with an intern from Bethel University, that she would see how God is working in Bulgaria, and that even in her short time here, God would use her in tremendous ways.Spain. We’re traveling a lot of miles these days while on Home Ministry Assignment in the USA. Please pray for safety on the road, good health, and Spirit-led connections and conversations.Uruguay: Ti...  Read More
PrayLink 7•24•2024
by Darrel Groves on July 24th, 2024
Europe. Please pray for a staff member who is undergoing treatment for a recently diagnosed illness. Ask the Lord to heal her and comfort her during this time.Thailand: Julie Dealey. This past year held several unexpected changes with my visa renewal and I have stepped out of my role that I have served in all these years. I am in the process of looking at ministry opportunities at a few different ...  Read More
PrayLink 7•9•2024
by Darrel Groves on July 9th, 2024
USA/Peru: Joshua & Missy Saune. Since our arrival in Peru, we have been battling one illness after another. Please pray for our grandson, Joshua, who is very sick with a respiratory infection; for me (Joshua) and my sodium levels; and for Ruben and Missy as we have all been very sick. We ask for overall health and healing so we can continue our work here.Guatemala: Alex Clem. I want you to know th...  Read More
PrayLink 7•3•2024
by Darrel Groves on July 3rd, 2024
Latvia: Rick & Madara Dugan. Thank you for your prayers! We returned from our trip to Cuba and are our Home Ministry Assignment until August. Our primary goal is to encourage the Body of Christ with stories of what God is doing around the world. Pray for our opportunities to share and invite people to participate by becoming a part of our support team.Taiwan: Pray for the church and our pastor. Pr...  Read More
PrayLink 6•26•2024
by Darrel Groves on July 1st, 2024
Serbia: We ask for prayer for a Ukrainian woman we met while shopping this week. Pray for her, her family and for peace in Ukraine during this difficult time. We praise God for these unexpected, divine appointments where we can pray for and witness to others!USA: Carlos & Ruth Medina. Praise God that we have been sent into the world to love, serve, preach, teach, heal and deliver. Every person has...  Read More
PrayLink 6•19•2024
by Darrel Groves on June 19th, 2024
PrayLink for June 19, 2024USA: Stephen & Gayle Burgstahler. Please be in prayer with us for God’s leading as we encounter the Somali population in Minneapolis. With over 86,000 Somali people recorded as living in Minnesota, it is the largest Somali population in the U.S.Ecuador: Ana Cristina Bastidas. Please continue praying for my recovery. I am actively praying that God would heal me and straigh...  Read More
PrayLink 6•11•2024
by Darrel Groves on June 11th, 2024
PrayLink for June 11, 2024PRAYLINK June 11, 2024Cameroon: Kennedy & Lucy Nkezea. Praise the Lord for 6 people in a small town who have begun to follow Jesus because of the witness of a World Partners disciple-maker named Roland. Pray the Lord will make a way for Roland to return to this area and baptize these new disciples.Serbia: Zoltan & Tanja Vegel. Praise God that Zoltan had the privilege to b...  Read More
PrayLink 6•4•2024
by Darrel Groves on June 5th, 2024
PrayLink for June 4, 2024Zambia: Benson Chembe. Zambia is experiencing severe drought since last year. The drought is impacting corn and energy supplies and raising prices for both. Prayers are requested for the following:Pray that God grants us wisdom how we can live during this trying season. Pray for faith to fully depend on Him and draw needed lessons this time.Pray they continue doing ministr...  Read More
PrayLink 5•29•2024
by Darrel Groves on May 29th, 2024
PrayLink for May 29, 2024Answered Prayer! A young Muslim woman in Northern Nigeria who began to follow Jesus and face intense persecution has reached safety in the home of a World Partners disciple-maker who has adopted her into his household. Continue to pray for her to be raised up to bear a powerful witness of peace among her tribe.Sierra Leone: Janet Nickel. Pray for her knee replacement surge...  Read More
PrayLink 5•22•2024
by Darrel Groves on May 22nd, 2024
PrayLink for May 22, 2024Hawaii: Please pray for a staff member and their family with the passing of their father.USA: Carlos Medina. Pray for three MCUSA Latino people considering serving as missionaries with World Partners Latino.North Asia: Pray for a gathering of disciple makers in North Asia as they pray and personally strategize how to multiply disciples in southern Russia, among other place...  Read More
PrayLink 5•14•2024
by Darrel Groves on May 14th, 2024
PrayLink for May 14, 2024USA: Carlos & Ruth Medina. Pray for clarity concerning two different Latinos currently discerning their call to full-time missionary work.Serbia: Zoltan & Tanja Vegel. We praise God for continued provision and are thankful for all of you, our supporters and prayer warriors!Russia: A sister in Christ was encouraged in how God helped her to find a new church. He then blessed...  Read More
PrayLink 5•8•2024
by Darrel Groves on May 9th, 2024
PrayLink for May 8, 2024Greece: Pray for us as we are facing pressing financial challenges because of the rapid increase of prices in Greece.Serbia: Zoltan & Tanja Vegel. Please pray for our group of young leaders, and for Tanja and I as we work with them. We are investing more time to help them mature as Christians, develop disciple-making skills, and diversify responsibilities in church life. Pr...  Read More
PrayLink 5•2•2024
by Darrel Groves on May 2nd, 2024
PrayLink for April 18, 2024Ecuador: Ana Cristina Bastidas. Praise God that on resurrection Sunday 22 people were baptized at our local church! Every person who is baptized, gets assigned a volunteer to walk with them for a month after their baptism. They asked me to do this and I have been walking with a young woman who was a catholic all her life. She is very new in her relationship with Jesus. S...  Read More
PrayLink 4•23•2024
by Darrel Groves on April 23rd, 2024
PrayLink for April 23, 2024Hawaii: Praise God how He is showing His kindness in helping me to become more like Him! He continues to place people around me that inspire me to be both more gracious and more bold in ministry and relationships.Bolivia: James & Jenny Wolheter. Please continue to pray as we get the house unpacked and adjust to life here in Bolivia again. Pray as I reconnect personally w...  Read More
PrayLink 4•18•2024
by Darrel Groves on April 18th, 2024
PrayLink for April 18, 2024Ecuador: Ana Cristina Bastidas. Praise God that on resurrection Sunday 22 people were baptized at our local church! Every person who is baptized, gets assigned a volunteer to walk with them for a month after their baptism. They asked me to do this and I have been walking with a young woman who was a catholic all her life. She is very new in her relationship with Jesus. S...  Read More
PrayLink 4•10•2024
by Darrel Groves on April 10th, 2024
PrayLink for April 10, 2024Taiwan: A staff member. Thank you all for your continued prayers for those affected by the earthquake in Taiwan. The mountainous areas have had numerous rock slides and some of the main roads are impassable.Aftershocks have made rescue efforts in the mountain areas more dangerous. We are thankful that those we know are safe, but continue praying for rescue efforts still ...  Read More
PrayLink 4•3•2024
by Darrel Groves on April 3rd, 2024
PrayLink for April 3, 2024USA: Stephen & Gayle Burgstahler. We have been sharing the love of God with so many new people. Truly the light of Jesus is penetrating the darkness wherever we go as Christians! We are so blessed to know and understand that we are in His hands as we continue ministry, progress in this journey of faith, move to Minneapolis and seek affordable housing in the area.Indonesia...  Read More
PrayLink 3•27•2024
by Darrel Groves on March 27th, 2024
PrayLink for March 27, 2024Bulgaria: A staff member. Please pray for as we travel on April 5-8 to meet with our strategy coordinator. Pray for safe travel, for good discussion with the others, and for our kids while we are gone.Italy: Ivan & Zhana Kalabric. Pray for us over the next couple months. For a smooth transition with our move to Belgium and all the logistics with visas, schools, finding a...  Read More
PrayLink 3•20•2024
by Darrel Groves on March 20th, 2024
PrayLink for March 20, 2024Spain: A staff member. Pray that on hard days God’s grace will help us keep perspective. And pray that God will continue to send people to fill our home as He has done week by week.Guinea: Bruce & Dawn Cluckie. We are praising God that a man in Soulemania decided to follow Jesus after studying and comparing religions. It has been a long time since there was a brand new c...  Read More
PrayLink 3•13•2024
by Darrel Groves on March 13th, 2024
PrayLink for March 13, 2024Africa: Marcel Serubungo. We need your prayers today: 1) For people in the IDP (Internally Displaced People) camps who are going through so much suffering. The people really need Jesus to go through all the challenges – especially for children and women. 2) For the whole Great Lakes Region in general. 3) And for the Discipleship Movement so that God may allow this minist...  Read More
PrayLink 3•6•2024
by Darrel Groves on March 6th, 2024
PrayLink for March 6, 2024Pakistan: A staff member. We look forward to the disciples-making training taking place this week in Pakistan. It will be focused specifically on disciples-making among drug addicts. Please pray for the leaders and participants of this event.Rwanda: Theo & Bri Makombe. We are thankful for our team here who made a pledge to send two of our sponsor students to training and ...  Read More
PrayLink 2•27•2024
by Darrel Groves on February 27th, 2024
PrayLink for February 27, 2024Spain: David & Esther de la Rosa would like prayer for the group of young people who will come for about seven weeks for a cross-cultural experience this summer. May the Lord put a missionary heart and passion for the unreached in them, may they make at least one disciple and may God call someone to go out to the unreached.Guinea: Bruce & Dawn Cluckie would like praye...  Read More
PrayLink 2•21•2024
by Darrel Groves on February 21st, 2024
PrayLink for February 21, 2024Latvia: Rick & Madera Dugan would like prayer for the next few months as he focuses on the Neighbors to Nations cohort, working on the Latvian language, and spending time deepening ministry to our Latvian family and friends.Ecuador: Ana Cristina Bastidas would like prayer for funding to go through so she is able to teach a business class. Please pray for a way to teac...  Read More
PrayLink 2•13•2024
by Darrel Groves on February 13th, 2024
PrayLink for February 13, 2024Southern Africa: James & Maggie Chikopa are thankful for your support that allowed them to build four homes that were destroyed after Cyclone Freddy tore through Malawi last year.Spain: A staff member praises God that they are able to keep up with their ministry schedule despite pain. Continue to pray for relief. God’s grace is amazing.Hungary: David & Grace McBrier p...  Read More
PrayLink 2•7•2024
by Darrel Groves on February 7th, 2024
PrayLink for February 7, 2024BULGARIA: A staff member would like prayer to keep everything in perspective as they get things done this month. Continue to pray for ways to have influence in the lives they impact.ITALY: Zoltan & Tatjana Vegel would like prayer for their church families struggling with extreme illnesses. Pray for their financial needs and for steady employment. And praise God that th...  Read More
PrayLink January 24, 2024
by Darrel Groves on January 24th, 2024
PrayLink for January 24, 2024USA: Jeremy & Mindie Tice would like prayer for Bethel University as they launch “Engage,” a new World Partners initiative to help Missionary Church high school students be introduced to missions through an immersion experience with our overseas staff. Also pray for us to be a blessing as we teach on evangelism at a youth retreat in February and for many to walk in dee...  Read More
PrayLink January 17, 2024
by Darrel Groves on January 17th, 2024
PrayLink for January 17, 2024Pray for the World Partners staff as many plan for the new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.USA: Bill & Debbie Jones are grateful for all the prayers and support. Bill asks for prayer for clarity in his...  Read More
PrayLink January 9, 2024
by Darrel Groves on January 9th, 2024
PrayLink for January 9, 2024USA: World Partners is grateful for all the prayers and supporters from this last year! We look forward to the new year and the opportunities to multiply disciples and increase the Kingdom!EUROPE: A staff member would like prayer for their transition back into ministry and to hear God’s clear direction on where to begin. And also with reconnecting with our ministry rela...  Read More
PrayLink January 2, 2024
by Darrel Groves on January 2nd, 2024
PrayLink for January 2, 2024Pray for the World Partners staff as many plan for the new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.ASIA: A staff member who has been discipling a new pastor for a few years was able to celebrate with him last m...  Read More
PrayLink December 19, 2023
by Darrel Groves on December 19th, 2023
PrayLink for December 19, 2023May you have a joyous season of celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace while you continue to pray for safety and peace for the World Partners Staff who are in countries with volatile situations.LATVIA: RICK DUGAN asks for prayer for teams as they continue to grow and bear fruit. Disciples are multiplying, new churches are emerging, and new teams are forming and ...  Read More
PrayLink December 12, 2023
by Darrel Groves on December 12th, 2023
PrayLink for November 28, 2023Pray for the World Partners staff as many invite their disciples, neighbors, and friends to celebrate Christmas with them in their churches and homes this holiday season.ASIA: Staff continue to be thankful for ministry opportunities. Pray for discipling and Bible studies and conversations that allow them to share spiritual matters.GUINEA: BRUCE & DAWN CLUCKIE ask for ...  Read More
PrayLink December 4, 2023
by Darrel Groves on December 5th, 2023
PrayLink for December 4, 2023If you haven't already, be sure to watch World Partners Director of Strategic Partnerships Joe Johns interview WP Regional Strategy Coordinator Ezekiel Ango.Part 1: 2: USA: Please continue to pray for Jeremy and Mindie Tice as they transition into their role asMissionaries-in-R...  Read More
PrayLink November 28, 2023
by Darrel Groves on November 27th, 2023
PrayLink for November 28, 2023During this Giving Tuesday, we invite you to prayerfully consider a meaningful gift to the Global Initiative, to catalyze disciple-making movements across the globe. The Global Initiative enables our Regional Strategy Coordinators and national affiliate partners to gather small groups of disciple-makers in key locations to pray, encourage, and equip them to launch dis...  Read More



