PrayLink 4•3•2024

PrayLink for April 3, 2024

USA: Stephen & Gayle Burgstahler. We have been sharing the love of God with so many new people. Truly the light of Jesus is penetrating the darkness wherever we go as Christians! We are so blessed to know and understand that we are in His hands as we continue ministry, progress in this journey of faith, move to Minneapolis and seek affordable housing in the area.

Indonesia: A staff member. For the last several years, the Lord has been teaching me more about identity. He is my Father and I am His daughter. That's been huge for helping me counter all the lies that satan has spoken about who he wants me to believe I am.

Hungary: David and Grace McBrier. As you seek to be like Jesus every day, may you be the light, salt and joy to those whom the Lord puts your lives. God is always good!

Spain: A staff member. Pray that as we talk to friends their minds and hearts will respond to Jesus, not just as a historical figure, but as Savior and Lord.

Liberia: Daniel and Gordon Elliot. Please pray for meaningful connections during our trip to Liberia this month. Pray that we will be able to deepen some of the relationships we have there.

Other Requests:

  1. Please be in prayer for the Balkan Network meeting taking place in Italy April 5 - 8. The purpose of the meeting is to encourage each other, discuss joys and challenges present in making disciples in the Balkan region, talk about goals and the purpose of the Balkan network to determine how we can better assist and equip each other in making disciples of Jesus.
  2. Please pray for the people of Taiwan. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the eastern city of Hualien. Aftershocks continued to rock the island, coming just minutes apart. There is considerable damage to buildings and roads. We have not yet heard specifics regarding injuries but know that they would appreciate your prayers.

Breakthrough Moment:
India: After many years, a new generation of young people are being called for the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ! They have dedicated their lives for the Lord and it is a blessed time of spiritual renewal and envisioning to the glory of God.

Please continue to pray for these young disciples of Jesus.

Pray for the World Partners staff as many travel in this new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.
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