PrayLink 7•30•2024

Bulgaria. Please pray for our time with an intern from Bethel University, that she would see how God is working in Bulgaria, and that even in her short time here, God would use her in tremendous ways.

Spain. We’re traveling a lot of miles these days while on Home Ministry Assignment in the USA. Please pray for safety on the road, good health, and Spirit-led connections and conversations.

Uruguay: Tim & Susana Gretschmann. The Food Ministry continues to provide food for those who are without work and who are struggling financially. Please continue to pray for Vanesa and her boys Axel and Alan, Mario, Leonardo, Elbio, Julio, Alberto and others. Pray these people will find work and, more importantly, peace with God.

Serbia. We praise God that the Russian/Ukrainian lady we met a few weeks ago came to church again on Sunday. This time, she came with her daughter and two teenage sons!

Liberia: Gordon & Niki Elliott. Praise the Lord for both Elliott families being able to participate in an encouraging World Partners missionary retreat.

Latvia: Rick & Madara Dugan.
Pray for current ministry projects our leadership team members are leading in the Dominican Republic, Germany, and Cameroon. We praise God that eight people were baptized in Cameroon!

We’re grateful for new partners joining our prayer and financial support team. The Lord continues to build this team that is taking the gospel to the nations, and we’re getting closer to meeting our budget goal.

USA: Please continue praying for the 15 new missionaries we sense the Lord wanting to add to World Partners. We seek 12 more and have several quality candidates considering this calling. Ask the Lord to send more people from our MCUSA churches.

James 5:16
"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”

Pray for the World Partners staff and their families as many travel for ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. Pray for encouragement and strength against the forces of this world. And also, for safety and peace for the World Partners staff who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.

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