PrayLink 9•17•2024

Pray encouragement for several missionaries who are facing challenging circumstances.

Pakistan. Pray for Pakistani disciple-making team leaders who gathered in-country for a three-day retreat. Pray that these 30 men and women will be energized by the Holy Spirit to continue the movement in Pakistan.

Russia. Pray for an affiliate partner who will be traveling to Russia next week to strategically encourage Christians among minority, lesser-reached, people groups there.

Colombia. Pray for fruit to emerge from an affiliated partner who recently spent time with Colombian pastors outside of Bogota. Pray for these leaders to be faithful to their call to make disciples.

Pray for several missionaries who are returning to their field (or who have recently returned) after their Home Ministry Assignment (HMA) in the USA. Pray for an energized re-entry into life abroad.

Be praying for prospective missionaries who are investigating opportunities with World Partners in Japan, New Zealand, the Maldives, and China.

1 John 3:1
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God! And that is what we are!”

Pray for the World Partners staff and their families as many travel for ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. Pray for encouragement and strength against the forces of this world. And also, for safety and peace for the World Partners staff who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.

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