PrayLink 2•13•2024

PrayLink for February 13, 2024

Southern Africa: James & Maggie Chikopa are thankful for your support that allowed them to build four homes that were destroyed after Cyclone Freddy tore through Malawi last year.

Spain: A staff member praises God that they are able to keep up with their ministry schedule despite pain. Continue to pray for relief. God’s grace is amazing.

Hungary: David & Grace McBrier praise God that one of the women in their Bible Study was able to share a birthday and her faith with her non-believing friends.

Southeast Asia: A staff member praises God for ministries producing fruit in unreached areas. And for your support that allowed their outreach to impact over 3000 people!

USA: Bill & Debbie Jones would like prayer for restored health, and that the will regain their strength, stamina, and endurance.

Spain: A staff member would like prayer that they will be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Pray that Romans 12:12 will be a way of life for us and that our lives will invite others to live it too.

Bulgaria: A staff member is thankful for prayers and that God has answered them! But also continue to pray for health and the extended recovery of a close friend.

USA: A staff member is thankful for and appreciate your continued prayers for community, for provision of financial support, and for wisdom and grace as they walk alongside the weary and discouraged!

Pray for the World Partners staff as many travel in this new year of ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. And also, for safety and peace for the WORLD PARTNERS STAFF who are in countries with volatile situations.

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