PrayLink 11•27•2024

South Asia: Praise God that everyone arrived safely at the South Asia gathering! It was a very fruitful and encouraging time together. Many people are coming to Christ in Myanmar. Disciples in Thailand are developing a global vision and sending out missionaries. Small groups in the Philippines are starting to see multi-generational discipleship. Personal discipleship efforts are also growing in Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

USA: Steve & Sheila Harrigan. Praise God for a Burmese Karen church as well as Chinese brothers and sisters who are partnering with the Harrigan's ministry to the Muslims. They are seeing God move within disciples and an awakening to their communities!

Philippines: Pray for a staff member as he discerns his involvement in new church planting and disciple-making movements in his area.

USA: Stephen & Gayle Burgstahler. Pray as he builds relationships and disciples with the Liberian, Ethiopian, Nigerian, and many other people groups each day.

Guatemala: Alex Clem.
Continue to pray over his discipleship ministry as he spends time with people and learns about their culture in Guatemala. Pray he will encourage them in their walk with Jesus as he reflects on God’s word with them.

Psalm 18:29
"In Your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.”

Pray for the World Partners staff and their families as many travel for ministry. Pray for wisdom, health, and protection as they continue to share the gospel. Pray for encouragement and strength against the forces of this world. And also, for safety and peace for the World Partners staff who are in countries with volatile situations.

Multiplying Disciples of Jesus for Renewal Worldwide.

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